Monday, July 26, 2010

Task 4

So this RSS thing is kind of cool. That fact that you can get everything that interests you all in one place is pretty helpful. I've used RSS feeds before, but it got to the point where I would just forget to check it, and then I stopped using it altogether. I guess I'm just not a news junkie. Usually if it's not on Yahoo's front page, I just don't know about it, and that's been working pretty well for me. But we'll see how this goes. Maybe I will find it more useful this time around. Well, if I'm actually using it for work stuff, then I could see how it would be more useful.

One of the blogs I found that I liked was called Motherlode, which is about parenting. There were some pretty interesting posts on there. One that caught my attention was called 'A New Term for Lousy Parenting.' There were some pretty strong opinions in it, and I could see both sides, but I'd have to agree with the people that say that the blogger's term "ghetto parenting" is going to be perceived in a racial context.

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